Windows Vista löschen

Windowsspezifische Probleme, WinAPI, conio.h
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: Di Nov 11, 2008 12:56 am

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von Jside » Mo Mär 30, 2009 9:48 pm

soufian88 hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

Unrecognized option: -
use: X [:<display>] [option]
-a #                   mouse acceleration (pixels)
-ac                    disable access control restrictions
-audit int             set audit trail level
-auth file             select authorization file
-br                    create root window with black background
+bs                    enable any backing store support
-bs                    disable any backing store support
-c                     turns off key-click
c #                    key-click volume (0-100)
-cc int                default color visual class
-core                  generate core dump on fatal error
-dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch
dpms                   enables VESA DPMS monitor control
-dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
-f #                   bell base (0-100)
-fc string             cursor font
-fn string             default font name
-fp string             default font path
-help                  prints message with these options
-I                     ignore all remaining arguments
-ld int                limit data space to N Kb
-lf int                limit number of open files to N
-ls int                limit stack space to N Kb
-nolock                disable the locking mechanism
-logo                  enable logo in screen saver
nologo                 disable logo in screen saver
-nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
-noreset               don't reset after last client exists
-reset                 reset after last client exists
-p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
-pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
-nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
-r                     turns off auto-repeat
r                      turns on auto-repeat 
-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
-s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)
-su                    disable any save under support
-t #                   mouse threshold (pixels)
-terminate             terminate at server reset
-to #                  connection time out
-tst                   disable testing extensions
ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
v                      video blanking for screen-saver
-v                     screen-saver without video blanking
-wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
-wr                    create root window with white background
-x string              loads named extension at init time 
-maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size 
+xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension
-xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension
-dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior
-schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec
+extension name        Enable extension
-extension name        Disable extension
-query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
-broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
-multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP
-indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
-port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
-from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
-once                  Terminate server after one session
-class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
-cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
-displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
-kb                    disable the X Keyboard Extension
+kb                    enable the X Keyboard Extension
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
                       enable/disable accessx key sequences
-ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
-arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval

Device Dependent Usage
-modulepath paths      specify the module search path
-logfile file          specify a log file name
-configure             probe for devices and write an xorg.conf
-config file           specify a configuration file, relative to the
                       xorg.conf search path, only root can use absolute
-probeonly             probe for devices, then exit
-verbose [n]           verbose startup messages
-logverbose [n]        verbose log messages
-quiet                 minimal startup messages
-pixmap24              use 24bpp pixmaps for depth 24
-pixmap32              use 32bpp pixmaps for depth 24
-fbbpp n               set bpp for the framebuffer. Default: 8
-depth n               set colour depth. Default: 8
-gamma f               set gamma value (0.1 < f < 10.0) Default: 1.0
-rgamma f              set gamma value for red phase
-ggamma f              set gamma value for green phase
-bgamma f              set gamma value for blue phase
-weight nnn            set RGB weighting at 16 bpp.  Default: 565
-layout name           specify the ServerLayout section name
-screen name           specify the Screen section name
-keyboard name         specify the core keyboard InputDevice name
-pointer name          specify the core pointer InputDevice name
-nosilk                disable Silken Mouse
-flipPixels            swap default black/white Pixel values
-disableVidMode        disable mode adjustments with xvidtune
-allowNonLocalXvidtune allow xvidtune to be run as a non-local client
-disableModInDev       disable dynamic modification of input device settings
-allowNonLocalModInDev allow changes to keyboard and mouse settings
                       from non-local clients
-allowMouseOpenFail    start server even if the mouse can't be initialized
-bestRefresh           choose modes with the best refresh rate
-ignoreABI             make module ABI mismatches non-fatal
-isolateDevice bus_id  restrict device resets to bus_id (PCI only)
-version               show the server version
-showDefaultModulePath show the server default module path
-showDefaultLibPath    show the server default library path
vtXX                   use the specified VT number
-keeptty               don't detach controlling tty (for debugging only)
-novtswitch            don't immediately switch to new VT
-sharevts              share VTs with another X server

Fatal server error:
Unrecognized option: -

jetzt zeigt er mir das hier an.
Keine Ahnung was das sein soll. :?
Ähm und es war auch eine gute Idee komplett auf Linux umzusetzten ? :mrgreen: (naja, sowas sind einfache Fehler, die man am Anfang macht, innerhalb eines Jahres hast du keine Probleme mehr mit Linux)

Also wenn du Gnome gestartet hast Killst du mit Strg+Alt+Backspace den XServer und gehst danach mit Strg+alt+F1 in die Hauptkonsole, dort logst du dich ein, und gibst "sudo bash" ein.
X -configure
mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Beiträge: 2558
Registriert: Sa Jul 05, 2008 3:21 pm

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von nufan » Mo Mär 30, 2009 9:53 pm

Jside hat geschrieben:
soufian88 hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

Unrecognized option: -
use: X [:<display>] [option]
-a #                   mouse acceleration (pixels)
-ac                    disable access control restrictions
-audit int             set audit trail level
-auth file             select authorization file
-br                    create root window with black background
+bs                    enable any backing store support
-bs                    disable any backing store support
-c                     turns off key-click
c #                    key-click volume (0-100)
-cc int                default color visual class
-core                  generate core dump on fatal error
-dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch
dpms                   enables VESA DPMS monitor control
-dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
-f #                   bell base (0-100)
-fc string             cursor font
-fn string             default font name
-fp string             default font path
-help                  prints message with these options
-I                     ignore all remaining arguments
-ld int                limit data space to N Kb
-lf int                limit number of open files to N
-ls int                limit stack space to N Kb
-nolock                disable the locking mechanism
-logo                  enable logo in screen saver
nologo                 disable logo in screen saver
-nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
-noreset               don't reset after last client exists
-reset                 reset after last client exists
-p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
-pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
-nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
-r                     turns off auto-repeat
r                      turns on auto-repeat 
-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
-s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)
-su                    disable any save under support
-t #                   mouse threshold (pixels)
-terminate             terminate at server reset
-to #                  connection time out
-tst                   disable testing extensions
ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
v                      video blanking for screen-saver
-v                     screen-saver without video blanking
-wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
-wr                    create root window with white background
-x string              loads named extension at init time 
-maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size 
+xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension
-xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension
-dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior
-schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec
+extension name        Enable extension
-extension name        Disable extension
-query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
-broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
-multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP
-indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
-port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
-from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
-once                  Terminate server after one session
-class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
-cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
-displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
-kb                    disable the X Keyboard Extension
+kb                    enable the X Keyboard Extension
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
                       enable/disable accessx key sequences
-ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
-arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval

Device Dependent Usage
-modulepath paths      specify the module search path
-logfile file          specify a log file name
-configure             probe for devices and write an xorg.conf
-config file           specify a configuration file, relative to the
                       xorg.conf search path, only root can use absolute
-probeonly             probe for devices, then exit
-verbose [n]           verbose startup messages
-logverbose [n]        verbose log messages
-quiet                 minimal startup messages
-pixmap24              use 24bpp pixmaps for depth 24
-pixmap32              use 32bpp pixmaps for depth 24
-fbbpp n               set bpp for the framebuffer. Default: 8
-depth n               set colour depth. Default: 8
-gamma f               set gamma value (0.1 < f < 10.0) Default: 1.0
-rgamma f              set gamma value for red phase
-ggamma f              set gamma value for green phase
-bgamma f              set gamma value for blue phase
-weight nnn            set RGB weighting at 16 bpp.  Default: 565
-layout name           specify the ServerLayout section name
-screen name           specify the Screen section name
-keyboard name         specify the core keyboard InputDevice name
-pointer name          specify the core pointer InputDevice name
-nosilk                disable Silken Mouse
-flipPixels            swap default black/white Pixel values
-disableVidMode        disable mode adjustments with xvidtune
-allowNonLocalXvidtune allow xvidtune to be run as a non-local client
-disableModInDev       disable dynamic modification of input device settings
-allowNonLocalModInDev allow changes to keyboard and mouse settings
                       from non-local clients
-allowMouseOpenFail    start server even if the mouse can't be initialized
-bestRefresh           choose modes with the best refresh rate
-ignoreABI             make module ABI mismatches non-fatal
-isolateDevice bus_id  restrict device resets to bus_id (PCI only)
-version               show the server version
-showDefaultModulePath show the server default module path
-showDefaultLibPath    show the server default library path
vtXX                   use the specified VT number
-keeptty               don't detach controlling tty (for debugging only)
-novtswitch            don't immediately switch to new VT
-sharevts              share VTs with another X server

Fatal server error:
Unrecognized option: -

jetzt zeigt er mir das hier an.
Keine Ahnung was das sein soll. :?
Ähm und es war auch eine gute Idee komplett auf Linux umzusetzten ? :mrgreen: (naja, sowas sind einfache Fehler, die man am Anfang macht, innerhalb eines Jahres hast du keine Probleme mehr mit Linux)
Wie sagt man so schön:
"Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil." ;)
Der viele Text irritiert vielleicht, aber du hast einfachen einen falschen Parameter gewählt und das Programm hat dir alle gültigen Parameter aufgelistet (wenn du das durchliest findest du auch irgendwo "-configure").
Jside hat geschrieben:Also wenn du Gnome gestartet hast Killst du mit Strg+Alt+Backspace den XServer und gehst danach mit Strg+alt+F1 in die Hauptkonsole, dort logst du dich ein, und gibst "sudo bash" ein.
Dann wird X gekillt und sofort wieder gestartet...
Um X zu beenden musst du

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
Aber was habt ihr denn gegen nvidia-xconfig? Da sparst du dir das :)

Beiträge: 377
Registriert: Di Nov 11, 2008 12:56 am

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von Jside » Mo Mär 30, 2009 9:59 pm

Achso, wenn es tatsächlich daran liegt, das eine ältere Kernelversion mit neuerem X läuft, würde ich noch
sudo bash
Ausführen, oder die /boot/grub/menu.lst edieren.
Dann wird X gekillt und sofort wieder gestartet...
Upps, ich hatte vergessen, das da ja noch default ein Loginmanager ist, ich starte X normalerweise aus der Console....

@soufian88: mach mal folgendes, und poste das Output:
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
ls /boot/*
uname -srp

Beiträge: 288
Registriert: So Jan 18, 2009 1:01 pm

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von soufian88 » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:03 pm

Code: Alles auswählen

# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.

## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default		0

## timeout sec
# Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
# (normally the first entry defined).
timeout		3

## hiddenmenu
# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)

# Pretty colours
#color cyan/blue white/blue

## password ['--md5'] passwd
# If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing
# control (menu entry editor and command-line)  and entries protected by the
# command 'lock'
# e.g. password topsecret
#      password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/
# password topsecret

# examples
# title		Windows 95/98/NT/2000
# root		(hd0,0)
# makeactive
# chainloader	+1
# title		Linux
# root		(hd0,1)
# kernel	/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro

# Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST

## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below

## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs

## ## Start Default Options ##
## default kernel options
## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro

## default grub root device
## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
# groot=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2

## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. alternative=true
##      alternative=false
# alternative=true

## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. lockalternative=true
##      lockalternative=false
# lockalternative=false

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=quiet splash

## should update-grub lock old automagic boot options
## e.g. lockold=false
##      lockold=true
# lockold=false

## Xen hypervisor options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenhopt=

## Xen Linux kernel options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenkopt=console=tty0

## altoption boot targets option
## multiple altoptions lines are allowed
## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
##      altoptions=(recovery) single
# altoptions=(recovery mode) single

## controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
## only counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
## alternative kernel options
## e.g. howmany=all
##      howmany=7
# howmany=all

## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
## e.g. memtest86=true
##      memtest86=false
# memtest86=true

## should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can be true or false
# updatedefaultentry=false

## should update-grub add savedefault to the default options
## can be true or false
# savedefault=false

## ## End Default Options ##

title		Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic
uuid		4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro quiet splash 
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic

title		Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic (recovery mode)
uuid		4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro  single
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic

title		Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
uuid		4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro quiet splash 
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

title		Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic (recovery mode)
uuid		4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro  single
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

title		Ubuntu 8.10, memtest86+
uuid		4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel		/boot/memtest86+.bin

benafia@benafia-laptop:~$ ls /boot/*
/boot/abi-2.6.27-11-generic         /boot/
/boot/abi-2.6.27-7-generic          /boot/
/boot/config-2.6.27-11-generic      /boot/vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-11-generic
/boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic       /boot/vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-7-generic
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic

default        installed-version  minix_stage1_5     xfs_stage1_5     jfs_stage1_5       reiserfs_stage1_5
e2fs_stage1_5  menu.lst           stage1
fat_stage1_5   menu.lst~          stage2
benafia@benafia-laptop:~$ uname -srpcat /boot/grub/menu.lst
uname: invalid option -- 'c'
„uname --help“ gibt weitere Informationen.
benafia@benafia-laptop:~$ ls /boot/*
/boot/abi-2.6.27-11-generic         /boot/
/boot/abi-2.6.27-7-generic          /boot/
/boot/config-2.6.27-11-generic      /boot/vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-11-generic
/boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic       /boot/vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-7-generic
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic

default        fat_stage1_5       menu.lst        reiserfs_stage1_5  xfs_stage1_5     installed-version  menu.lst~       stage1
e2fs_stage1_5  jfs_stage1_5       minix_stage1_5  stage2
benafia@benafia-laptop:~$ uname -srp

schön viel Text. :mrgreen:
C ( Durchschnittlich ) C++ (am Lernen)

Beiträge: 377
Registriert: Di Nov 11, 2008 12:56 am

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von Jside » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:07 pm

Mhm, also die aktuelle Kernelversion ist es schonmal, jetzt kann es aber auch sein, das X nur mit der älteren läuft, drücke mal beim neustarten im GRUB menu schnell ESC bevor es bei NULL ankommt, und wähle:
Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
.(danach ENTER)

Wenn das dann auch abstürtzt, liegt es definitiv an X.

Beiträge: 288
Registriert: So Jan 18, 2009 1:01 pm

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von soufian88 » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:17 pm

Ich habe es gemacht und klappt hevorragend.
C ( Durchschnittlich ) C++ (am Lernen)

Beiträge: 377
Registriert: Di Nov 11, 2008 12:56 am

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von Jside » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:21 pm

soufian88 hat geschrieben:Ich habe es gemacht und klappt hevorragend.
Ok, dann hab ich es mal schnell ediert:

Code: Alles auswählen

# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.

## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default      0

## timeout sec
# Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
# (normally the first entry defined).
timeout      3

## hiddenmenu
# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)

# Pretty colours
#color cyan/blue white/blue

## password ['--md5'] passwd
# If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing
# control (menu entry editor and command-line)  and entries protected by the
# command 'lock'
# e.g. password topsecret
#      password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/
# password topsecret

# examples
# title      Windows 95/98/NT/2000
# root      (hd0,0)
# makeactive
# chainloader   +1
# title      Linux
# root      (hd0,1)
# kernel   /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro

# Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST

## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below

## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs

## ## Start Default Options ##
## default kernel options
## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro

## default grub root device
## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
# groot=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2

## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. alternative=true
##      alternative=false
# alternative=true

## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. lockalternative=true
##      lockalternative=false
# lockalternative=false

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=quiet splash

## should update-grub lock old automagic boot options
## e.g. lockold=false
##      lockold=true
# lockold=false

## Xen hypervisor options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenhopt=

## Xen Linux kernel options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenkopt=console=tty0

## altoption boot targets option
## multiple altoptions lines are allowed
## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
##      altoptions=(recovery) single
# altoptions=(recovery mode) single

## controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
## only counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
## alternative kernel options
## e.g. howmany=all
##      howmany=7
# howmany=all

## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
## e.g. memtest86=true
##      memtest86=false
# memtest86=true

## should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can be true or false
# updatedefaultentry=false

## should update-grub add savedefault to the default options
## can be true or false
# savedefault=false

## ## End Default Options ##

title      Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
uuid      4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro quiet splash
initrd      /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

title      Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic
uuid      4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro quiet splash
initrd      /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic

title      Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic (recovery mode)
uuid      4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro  single
initrd      /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic

title      Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic (recovery mode)
uuid      4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2 ro  single
initrd      /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

title      Ubuntu 8.10, memtest86+
uuid      4b6239fa-5ac8-45a7-9d79-753db70e2ed2
kernel      /boot/memtest86+.bin
Speichere das in deinem Home-Verzeichniss als "menu.lst" ab(Home Verzeichniss, nicht Desktop), und kopiere es mit "sudo mv menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst" zum Grub, danach "sync" eintippen.

Dann hast du zwar ne ältere Kernelversion, aber dafür läufst.

Beiträge: 288
Registriert: So Jan 18, 2009 1:01 pm

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von soufian88 » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:22 pm

Gibt es da irgendwelche Nachteile ?
C ( Durchschnittlich ) C++ (am Lernen)

Beiträge: 377
Registriert: Di Nov 11, 2008 12:56 am

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von Jside » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:25 pm

soufian88 hat geschrieben:Gibt es da irgendwelche Nachteile ?
Jaein. Neue Kernel Version bezieht sich heufig einfach darauf, das neue Treiber dazugekommen sind, da ich aber mal annehme, das sonst alles funktioniert, dürfte es keinen Nachteil haben.

Es gibt auchnoch Leute, die mit Ubuntu 5.XX und Windows95 unterwegs sind, von daher macht eine Kernelversion geringer auch nichts aus ;)

Beiträge: 288
Registriert: So Jan 18, 2009 1:01 pm

Re: Windows Vista löschen

Beitrag von soufian88 » Mo Mär 30, 2009 10:28 pm

So ich habe es gemacht bin gespannt ob es funktioniert.
C ( Durchschnittlich ) C++ (am Lernen)
